Is how Montreal celebrated National Aboriginal Day, it is true for many Canadians the holiday goes unrecognized; it is celebrated annually on June 21st since 1996, welcoming all to honor the culture and contribution of aboriginals.
It was about six months ago when the grass roots movement” Idle No More” was launched.” Since then aboriginals have marched all across Canada, shedding light to many abuses they suffered from the government. Now activists say it is the beginning of what they’re calling a “sovereignty summer.” Tensions between parliament and aboriginals are arguably as high as they have been in years. Recent reports reveal First Nations in Canada have extremely high poverty rates, poor health care and high rates suicide. Aboriginal women also continue to be murdered and raped without answers from authorities. And Aboriginals are in fight with Ottawa over the rights and treaties of Canada’s First Nations communities.
The group is also trying to find reconciliation, while asking for government officials to stop re-writing history and teach all Canadians the truth about aboriginals and the European invasion. It was not long ago when aboriginals were forbidden to do their rituals in public in Canada, and the government run residential schools for aboriginals prevented them from speaking their native language.
Recognizing the day the Quebec government announced it will extend a $5 million grant to help fight child poverty within aboriginal communities. A recent study released by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives shows that half of indigenous children in Canada are living in poverty, which is three times more than the national average. It said children of the First Nation population - one of the fastest growing groups in Canada - are falling behind compared to other Canadian kids in terms of family income, education, and health.
The indigenous children are also more susceptible to be imprisoned, lose job, be sexually abused or commit suicide. According to the study, bringing all indigenous children up to the poverty line would cost around one billion Canadian dollars.
Excellent celebration. Thank you for sharing the information and from now on I, as native, will celebrate it too.
Excellent celebration. Thank you for sharing the information and from now on I, as native, will celebrate it too.