
Bald Eagle & Proud Father Guarding the Nest (Video)

A Bald Eagle is a magnificent sight, but what about their young? Right now two eaglets are sitting in a nest just outside Salt Lake City.

Outside the city, not too far from thousands of people, a pair of eagles are raising their young.

It is a majestic and special sight for Utah.

Bob Walters, a watchable wildlife program coordinator for the Department of Natural Resources, took ABC4Utah's Emily Clark for an eagle field trip. He explained, "We only have 12 nesting bald eagles in the state, this is relatively rare."

Making it even more special, there are two eaglets. They are sitting high above the ground in their nest. They don't look like their parents quite yet, bald eagles do not get their well known white heads, until the bird is five years old.

This eagle couple has had success in this spot for 16 years, which has been an accomplishment due to the nest's location.

Walters said, "We are close to the big city, generally bald eagles are wilderness species."

That in and of itself, is another beautiful lesson, these majestic birds are teaching us now.

Walter said, "Their success demonstrates, even in close to millions of people if we just cut them some slack they can be successful."


Responses to "Eagle couple raising two eaglets outside Salt Lake City"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope their posting this don't result in some nut go out there and shoot them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I hope people here do cut them some slack! It was amazing to watch, since I live out side Salt Lake.

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