
Three peregrine falcon chicks have successfully hatched on the ledge of a city centre building belonging to Nottingham Trent University.

Experts had been concerned about the effect of the cold weather on the eggs.

The parent birds, now feeding their brood, have attracted a global following, as their lives are recorded with a live camera and are the subject of a blog.

Sarah Thorp, Environmental Projects Officer at Nottingham Trent University, said the chicks seemed to thrive in the location.

''Fingers crossed that all three will survive,'' she said.(Source)

Peregrine falcon facts

The Peregrine is the largest falcon breeding in the UK.

Numbers in the UK have recovered to about 1,500 breeding pairs, from the low point of the 1960s when their numbers plummeted due to the use of the pesticide DDT or its degenerate DDE (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane). This chemical was picked up by the birds which ate prey that had fed on treated grain and caused them to lay thin-shelled eggs that would fail to hatch or break during incubation. (Source)


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