
Rescued Bear Cub at Chimney Rock State Park (Photos)

Bear cub rescued at Rumbling Bald by Park Superintendent James Ledgerwood! The cub was found alone with an injured leg, and he was taken by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission for rehabilitation in a safe home! Thanks to the North Carolina State Parks and Recreation - at Chimney Rock State Park

The park posted on its Facebook page that the cub was found at Rumbling Bald with an injured leg by a park superintendent in late April.

The cub was taken by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for rehabilitation.

Chimney Rock is the focal point of the still-developing Chimney Rock State Park and features 75-mile views, a 404-foot-tall waterfalll, hiking trails, guided rock climbing, signature special events and more!

Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park is a developing international outdoor destination located 25 miles southeast of Asheville on Highway 64/74A in Chimney Rock, NC. It is recognized as one of the Southeast’s most iconic sites and popular travel destinations.

The Park’s 535-million-year-old monolith called Chimney Rock offers guests 75-mile panoramic views of Hickory Nut Gorge and Lake Lure. Hickory Nut Gorge, one of the state’s most significant centers of biodiversity, is home to 36 rare plant species and 14 rare animal species, as well as the second highest waterfall of its kind in the eastern United States. (Source)

Responses to "Bear cub rescued after found injured, alone at Chimney Rock"

  1. Charity says:

    Aw, he's adorable!
    Thank god he was saved <3

  2. I hope he is taken to a wild animal rescue he needs to be feed. The Aark foundation here in Bucks County has a great wild life place. Might be to far. Poor baby ;(

  3. Cathy says:

    I'm so glad they could help him...he's so darn cute!!!!

  4. Unknown says:

    Precious little bear. It would feel good to rescue and save such a little soul! Thanks, James Ledgerwood!

  5. Anonymous says:

    The photo of James Ledgerwood smiling at the darling little bear says it all, it says, "Glad I found you little bear, you are going to be safe".

  6. Anonymous says:

    NC has expanded its range and numbers for bear hunting season. They want more dead ones. (double from last years' numbers) I hope they don't go to waste and some of the thousands of hungry people where I live (Appalachia) can eat. They will probably cremate them anyway. NC is a 100% red state now and things are changing fast. Getting rid of the wildlife and more lumbering in national forests and parks. I'm real happy for the little guy, but his future here is bleak.

  7. Anonymous says:

    James is really brave kneeling on the ground unarmed chocking out the baby bear.....LOOK OUT! Here comes MamA

  8. John says:

    I am for saving all Animals. NC is so damn Stupid for Killing Wild Animals. Leave them alone.

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is wonderful look at that face so happy that baby is safe!!!!xoxo

  10. Vicki says:

    My question would be- Where's the mother? Young cubs are never far from their mothers. Hopefully this little one will get a chance to grow-up. It's really a shame that we can't live in their world and they can't live in ours. And we keep taking more and more of theirs.
    Good Luck little one, I fear you are going to need it.

  11. Unknown says:

    The poor baby aww so sad to see such a cute bear hurt in the woods :( we got to send him/her all our love.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sad to think that my home state is changing for the worse in so many ways. Getting rid of wildlife is not the way.

  13. Awe what a sweet baby bear. Thank goodness he was found by a good soul willing to help him/her. Speedy recovery little bear.

  14. Anonymous says:

    What a cutie!!!

  15. hels says:

    Aw so glad he's been rescued Hoping he grows to be big and strong.

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