
When it comes to cute animal pictures, there's no beating this cheeky creature, who may as well have wandered straight out of a feel-good kids' movie.

Meet the Quokka, a marsupial that seems to have come straight from an animator at Disney, but is actually native to a small corner of southwestern Australia.

Unlike a frightening number of Australian animals, the Quokka poses no threat to humans, and -- as these pictures make abundantly clear -- can be quite friendly.

That friendliness may partially explain why, according to the Perth Zoo, the once-plentiful Quokka was drastically reduced in number after the dingo and foxes found their way to Australia.

The animal is currently listed as "vulnerable," according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Thanks to conservation efforts and fox control programs, their populations are recovering in some areas.

Responses to "Meet The Quokka, The Happiest Animal In The World (Photos -Video)"

  1. sweet, sweet, sweet. Love this furbaby.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I want t o come back as a Quokka!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    The Dalai Lama of small critters. <3

  4. Unknown says:

    AWWWW that is such a sweet lil thing!!! sure hope he does not reach the endangered list..the world needs lots more of "HAPPY QUOKKAS" :)

  5. beautiful :) great!! smiling for ever!!!

  6. LIZ says:

    8:57 LOL+++

  7. I will take one! When can I have it shipped ;)

  8. so cute <3 <3

  9. I want one!.. I would love it, love it, love it, love it!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Awe the little creature would make an awesome friend._ I'd take him everywhere with me...lol.

  11. Anonymous says:

    makes the world a happier place :D

  12. Anonymous says:

    I have seen them a long time ago on my holiday in Austrlia. They live on Rottnest Island. Cute little animals!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Love that little face.. I want one.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I want your photographer to take all of my portrait photos from now on.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This little guy has G'Day written all over him!

  16. Rona Tait says:

    There should be a Quokka behind every reception desk - (I know, I know, he doesn't use a phone or write messages...) Imagine what that wee smile would do for everyone!

  17. Anonymous says:

    It's grinning so much cause it's Australian

  18. Anonymous says:

    He is absolutely the most adorable critter! How big do they get?

  19. Jo Reay says:

    I met lovely quokkas when I was 12, almost 40 years ago. I am an Australian who has travelled most of Australia and a lot of the world. Dingos came to Australia thousands of years ago, whilst the fox (and rabbit) was introduced by the British 200 years ago so they could continue to have fox hunts. What's this nonsense about "a frightening number" of Australian animals being a threat to humans? Humans are a threat to animals! Wild and natural places all over the world have danger from the weather, plants, insects and animals. Living and travelling in Australia is not as bad as reputed.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So very cute. I am a fan!!

  21. Unknown says:

    That little face just makes you want to smile.

  22. It's got to be happy. It hasn't met one of Australia's poisonous snakes yet.

  23. Unknown says:

    @hoeby Point taken. Anyway there's no harm if this animal brightens up a person's day just by seeing it.

  24. Neshtoto says:

    Hahah not only the happiest, but also look like the cutest :)

  25. Anonymous says:

    @hoeby Point taken, yes, but there is also a point to the saying "ignorance is bliss." I think Joan Evangelista's point is that much like hearing laughter is contagious, this little guy's face can't help but make your day. Anyway, whatever its state of mind, he can't be more miserable than you are!

  26. Anonymous says:

    He's Adorable. He even sleeps with a smile on his face. How cute.

  27. todd says:

    so cute,,,,luv him!!!!!

  28. Anonymous says:

    SO CUTE! Holy crap they're adorable!

  29. Anonymous says:

    After marinating it for 4-6 hours, I would like to smoke/grill one 'til the flesh falls from the bone and feed it to my neighbor's dog.

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  32. Anonymous says:

    An animated movie is coming indeed...

  33. Dale says:

    Thank you... made my day!

  34. Dale says:

    Thank you... made my day!

  35. So cute!! :)

  36. Anonymous says:

    always smiling

  37. Anonymous says:

    what a sweet looking little animal

  38. Anonymous says:

    Ha ha they look cute here but have seen these things, they also have a big long tail that makes them look like giant rats, they are abundant on rottnest island (dutch for rats nest) and it is they that the island was named for, Michael, Sydney

  39. Anonymous says:

    Every one should be sooo relaxed

  40. Anonymous says:

    there soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333333333333:):):):):):):)

  41. Anonymous says:

    I want one!!! Don't you just want to kiss his little nose?

  42. Anonymous says:

    omg that is soooo cute!!!! hey anonymous person u r an asshole just cuz he is extinct!!! if u were going to b extinct u want ur mother to throw u in the trash cuz she knew u were going to die u fucking fat ass!!! u r fucking ungrateful!!!!

  43. Anonymous says:

    This is me!!!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Aboriginal prisoners who used to be held on rottnest island used to use them as footballs it was called quokka soccer

  45. Unknown says:

    She cant smile it need every thing smily

  46. fafa says:

    Socute ilove him

  47. rico says:

    such a lovely animal.

  48. Demfatale says:

    Can we please have some way of automatically rejecting trolls from this beautiful website? They need psychological help, not an audience.

    To the trolls: Your online behavior does not cause a horror in people, it's just boring and pathetic. You didn't have enough love when you were little, sorry about that, but please take your acting out somewhere that will get you the meds and counseling that may help you feel better. This is not that place. Desecrating the beauty and grace of the world does not make you well, does not relieve your pain, does not even release your anger. It's just a petty annoyance for us, and a waste of your life.

  49. Love those smiles! Tho I think the wombat is just as cute

  50. Anonymous says:

    @hoeby: our fragile emotions? it's you who's all worked up at people for saying that this animal is cute. nobody here actually implied that the animal is actually expressing his feelings.they are just saying this guy's face makes them smile anf that happens because our brains are made to empathyze with others that share traits with us. it's you who's bothered by these people's happyness. what a huge idiot.

  51. Anonymous says:

    Yes...!!!! I saw this cutie at Perth's zoo, when I went to Australia, this and the koala were my favorites...!!! They cuddle on your chest...!!! :)

  52. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for sharing this information with us. Never heard of them. Adorable! May they live a long and happy life free in the wild, where they belong.

  53. Anonymous says:

    I love kicking those little cunts

  54. Anonymous says:

    That little fellow is precious. A real cutie.

  55. love it anti cute

  56. Dbakeca says:

    cute animal

  57. I think this comes from their winter sleep


  58. Love them (I'm Aussie) Another cute one is the Quoll

  59. They live with snakes all day long king browns and Red belly black snakes Aussie though and though .WE here in W.A love them and would not ever export them . So don't even think about it

  60. Thanks for sharing

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