Near freezing temperatures and 20cm of snow couldn't stop nearly 2000 people from descending onto Parliament Hill for IdleNoMore!
The demonstrators, who were taking part in a growing grassroots First Nations movement called “Idle No More,” met at Ottawa’s Victoria Island on Friday before marching to Parliament Hill.
The march, which remained peaceful, shut down a major downtown Ottawa street. The RCMP was hand to close the road and direct traffic.
Idle No More organizers say the root of frustration for many aboriginal Canadians has been growing for years, but the government’s recent omnibus budget bill is major sticking point. Bill C-45 removes certain environmental protections including the Navigable Waters Protection Act, which means companies can build dams and bridges without consulting the feds.
The federal government has indicated it will not agree to a meeting with First Nations.
Spokespeople for Harper sent out the same statement to media that it produced before the Ottawa protest.
“Our government hosted an historic gathering of the Crown and First Nations this past January,” said spokesman Carl Valle on Thursday by e-mail. “The Prime Minister and (Aboriginal Affairs) Minister (John) Duncan met as recently as Nov. 28 with National Chief (Shawn) Atleo to review the progress to date.”
But Atleo said this isn’t just about one meeting, and that First Nations are constitutionally entitled to substantive consultation.
“We are calling on the government and the Crown to respond to a call to engage in meaningful dialogue and to work with First Nations to jointly implement our title and rights and our treaty rights,” Atleo said. “That means not just a meeting with myself.”
Atleo said the movement is “united.”
“We are not going to back down,” he said.
There have been a number of recent protests and blockades across Canada as part of this push for a meeting between First Nations and the Crown. Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence has also launched a personal protest in Ottawa and claims to have been on a hunger strike for 11 days.
Spence’s northern Ontario reserve was the centre of international news coverage last year, when members of her community were living in unheated tents and shacks.
The government agreed to send 22 modular homes to Attawapiskat, but Spence says there is still a state of emergency in effect. (Source)
VIDEO Idle No More Ottawa Dec 21 2012
So Beautiful. What amazing people. After 500 years of abuse, colonization, murder, theft, racism and extreme poverty, they are beautifully alive and full of spirit, leading the cause. All my love and prayers to them. Wish I wasn't so far away.
Kitty wolf: The time has come my brothers to be silent no more. We stand with you
These people have suffered so much over the centuries...Everything they know and have has been taken from them as a white person I am ashamed to say that My People are disgraceful.
Idle No More has given me new hope for humanity. They are my heroes and heroines. Your video made me weep.
Crying wit tear of pride for my people soul was there...standing so proud, My people!!! never defeated!