
A muzzled husky honking the horn of a vehicle he'd been trapped in for days alerted police in London, Ontario in Canada to rescue him. When authorities threw open the back of the delivery truck, they found two more huskies and two cats.

 "It was evident that they required medical attention," London police constable Ken Steeves told

London Humane Society executive director Judy Foster said that the animals had gone without food or water for at least week. Without the honking, the fate of the trapped animals would have been bleak.

"We've received numerous calls from people asking us to find a hero award for this dog," Foster said.

The organization first investigated the case after receiving a complaint about three dogs that weren't being cared for. When they arrived at the downtown apartment complex, they found the owners had already left due to eviction. The trail ran cold. A week later, the police received reports of a husky trapped in a delivery truck, honking the horn. It turned out to be the same animals that had gone missing. The dogs are currently in the Humane Society's care.

The rescued animals include the hero husky, Kiki, a 13-year-old male, along with two Rotty-mix huskies — a male and female between 4 and 5 years old — named Buddy and Six Toes (so named because she has six toes). Two cats were also found together in one crate in the truck.

One of the dogs had nails growing into the palm of its paw, evidence that the animals had gone without proper care for some time, Foster said.

It wasn't clear why the owners abandoned the animals and the truck in the middle of the open-air parking lot in central downtown London.

Photos of the animals were not available as the Humane Society is not releasing any before the trial. Another animal welfare case in Canada was recently thrown out of court by the judge because the rescue organization had released photos in advance to the media.

The owners, a couple, were charged with five counts each of cruelty to animals for animals left in distress, failure to provide care and unsanitary conditions, under section 445.1 of the Canadian criminal code. The charges carry maximum possible fines of $10,000 or an 18-month prison term, or both. The couple also face additional charges from the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, with a maximum fine of $60,000 and/or two years in jail.

Both charges carry the possibility of a prohibition against future animal ownership.

Before the trial, the animals could be returned to the couple who left them in the truck if the pair pays the Human Society for the cost of care. If they are convicted, the Humane Society would go back and take custody of the animals.

Returning the animals to those who allegedly abused them might leave followers of the case scratch their heads. However, under Canadian law, as is the case in most jurisdictions, animals are considered property, and the accused are innocent until proven guilty.

Responses to "Muzzled Hero Husky Honks Car Horn to Rescue Trapped Dogs and Cats"

  1. Lara says:

    this happened in my city, how can people be sooo cruel to animals :(

  2. Anonymous says:

    oh yeah give em back so they can do it againg ya right okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow.. These people need someone to lock them in a truck for a few Weeks with no food or bathroom or fresh air. Lets see how they like it. Sick!!!!

  4. Unknown says:

    It hurts to read... How can people be so cruel..
    I hope they meet humans who cares and give them t.l.c...

  5. Unknown says:

    La même chose pour ces gens cruels et sans scrupules ( ou pire ) ça me dégoûte de voir que l'on peut faire du mal aux animaux !!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    idiots, no more animals for them and the rest of the sentences, one more thing just take the dogs away right after they have been returned to them, with force if yo have to!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yes by all means he should get a hero award and please please don't give them back to them S.O.B. CAUSE IF THEY DID IT ONCE WHAT'S TO STOP THEM FROM DOING IT AGAIN

  8. Anonymous says:

    I've seen similar things like this happen. It is terrible that people can be so cruel to animals that they are suppose to love and want. If they did it once what's to stop them from doing it again. They should be prosecuted and never be allowed to own animals ever again. The Husky is truly a hero and am glad they are safe and in good care

  9. Anonymous says:

    Ok folks, time to change that law. Why would we return an abused animal back to the abuser. Would we return a child to a similar situation???????

  10. Anonymous says:

    Yes that gorgeous Husky is a Hero... He saved himself, two other dogs and two cats. Bless them all. The law is ridiculous that they could be returned to the "owners" as their "property". They were neglected and could have died if not for the Husky honking the horn, someone reporting it and the "Humane Society" stepping in. If they had been children would "Social Services" return the children to the parents until the courts proved them guilty, NO! The fact "The Owners" left these poor animals in those conditions for a week IS PROOF... The Canadian laws need to be changed ASAP! CRUELTY IS CRUELTY NO IF ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT...

  11. Anonymous says:

    If and when these so called human beings attain the heart and soul of all of our unconditionally loving would be miraculous..untill then, THANK GOD,for those who have the intelligence,heart,compassion and just plain human decency, to help these animals in such horrendous situations..Its just amazing..this dog is an absolute incredible angel!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I just can't believe that these presious animals could be returned to their owners!! Something must be done to change this law. Why do people like them even own an animal when it is perfectly clear they have no feelings for them at all.

  13. Anonymous says:

    You have got to be kidding me, give those poor animals back to owners who abused and abandoned them?! That's a law that needs to be changed

  14. Anonymous says:

    To give those animals back to those that neglected them and abused them is animal abuse itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with a judge that would allow such an abuse of the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

  15. Anonymous says:

    I love Hero Husky x

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