As First Nations Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike continues, the chief called for weekend solidarity protests from all Canadians to force Prime Minister Stephen Harper to meet with her and other native leaders angered by his policies.
“Her condition continues to weaken every hour and the time has come for increased efforts to gain the support of Canadians and governments in forging this new relationship,” read a statement released late Friday.
After starting her hunger strike on Dec. 11th, the chief declared she is “willing to die” for her people.
Wawa First Nations holds solidarity protest
In the statement, Chief Spence asked all Canadians and indigenous people to stage ceremonies, events and rallies, calling on Harper to meet with her and “commit to a path of recognition and implementation of the treaty commitments and forging a new First Nations crown relationship.”
According to the statement, international and national events will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday.
First nation young aboriginal dancer supporting cheif theresa spence
People from the Northern Ontario town of Wawa have already answered her call by staging an Idle No More protest Saturday afternoon, which was expected to last four hours, according to the movement’s Facebook page.
Some Michipicoten First Nation members planned to stage the protest at the junction of highways 101 and 17 in support of Chief Spence, wrote one of the event’s organizers, and because “so many of our lakes on Crown Land are no longer accessible to us.”
Police warned locals to expect traffic delays because of the protest, but said they hoped the organizers would ensure the demonstration did not interfere with emergency vehicle traffic.
of the Aamjiwnaang Nation and solidarity activists helped, to blockade a
railway track that runs through their land, and marched through the
streets of Sarnia, Ontario. They successfully shut down the 402, one of
Canada's busiest highways, for several hours. Photo's by Mike Roy and
Curtis Nixon
Chief Spence also issued an open house invitation to all MPs and Senators to visit her at her teepee on Sunday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. She is expected to make a brief statement to the media at that time.
The NDP announced Saturday that a delegation of its MPs will visit the chief Sunday. The delegation will be led by Megan Leslie and Charlie Angus.
Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan has offered to speak with Chief Spence and form a working group, but she declined his offer because she believes he isn’t the one who should be speaking on a nation-to-nation level.
Saturday marks Chief Spence’s 19th day without solid food, which she stopped eating in an effort to secure a meeting between First Nations leaders, the prime minister and Governor General over the treaty relationship.
Via (CBC News)
VIDEO Idle no more!! Yakima valley mall
I believe the idea of us as Canadian's Native and Non-Native of only being angry or annoyed for a short period of time is about to be proven wrong...
We must support her all the way do what ever it takes to get Harper to talk to her lets protests as much as we can.
I feel that it is important to keep native and individual beliefs and attitudes alive, as this is what makes for a more interesting and diverse world and many culture's. It it a shame that it scares some people to much to even have the decency to talk about a resolution.
I come from a different culture and know how hard it is to mingle and interlink with other cultures, without loosing your own identity. Chief Theresa Spence is only asking for a meeting, not the world, would it really be so scary!!!
I support Chief Theresa Spense,
We are First Nation descendants , whether metis or more...we stand in support of Theresa Spence, and our own ancestors before her/us...we need to make a "Human Call" to the world, that we ARE ON THE EVE OF DISTRUCTION, Our intent is to help preserve all mankind..sometimes folks ARE TOO CLOSE TO THE TREES, TO SEE THE FOREST, and I believe that is our European society today.
I'm behind my sister Theresa..she has my support..when I'm asked about Mr.Harper..for me all I can say is... of now he is not the leader for Canada..I would like to say more..since I'm an Elder my spelling is not that great..I did fast for two hrs. the other day..will pray for you Theresa..