
Lazing about in the African sun, these lions have no idea their actions are being caught on BeetelCam. (Photos- Video)

Because the remote-controlled camouflaged cameras is allowing Will Burrard-Lucas to capture intimate snaps of some of the continents most fearsome animals, without the risk of being savaged.

The 29-year-old, from London, stands about 55 yards away before using a model aeroplane remote to deploy the homemade roving machines into the paths of lions, elephants and buffalo roaming on the plains of the South Luangwa National Park, in Zambia

Will, who has moved to the country for a year with his doctor wife Natalie, said: 'It is the dry season so a lot of the animals have to come to the river to drink.

'It means there's an high concentration of wildlife around the water, it is a real hive of activity.

'Because I'm living in Africa now I can spend more time working on getting close to shier creatures who otherwise would never come near the camera.

'It has enabled me to capture a leopard with the BeetleCam for the first time." Will took the photos in South Luangwa National Park.

He added: 'Most of the animals are very inquisitive, they will come and check the camera out but others are more wary, so photographing them takes a lot more patience.

'Three years ago I didn't have any armour on the camera and a curious lioness completely destroyed it.

'So now on the fourth-generation of the buggy I've reinforced the camera so it stands up to attention of most animals.'

While Will is taking candid photographs of wild animals, Natalie is working in a rural Zambian hospital and is writing a blog about her experiences.

View it at You can also view Will's latest photographs on his Facebook page at

VIDEO Beetlecam Here

Responses to "Caught on BeetleCam! Lions, elephants and buffalo pictured by ingenious crawling camera in African savannah"

  1. Anonymous says:

    That is fabulous!! Want more!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    What a great and innovative creation the camera is! The pictures are WONDERFUL!

  3. Unknown says:


  4. Unknown says:
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  5. White Wolf continues as one of Twitters finest contributors with yet another superb contribution

  6. Unknown says:

    Love it ! Please keep the pics n videos coming .

  7. Unknown says:

    Pictures simply wonderful!

  8. Rita Hill says:

    This is wonderful ! Can't wait to see more..:)

  9. Unknown says:

    loved it,

  10. superman says:

    incredible Nice Kitty Nice Kitty

  11. superman says:

    Very cool Nice Kitty Nice Kitty

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