
Babies delight crowd at Northern Navajo Fair

Dressed in a green velvet shirt and white pants, Orion Clashin Johnson stepped toward the small table to demonstrate his talent in the tiny division at the Northern Navajo Baby Pageant.

Orion then stood still while his mother, Candice Clashin-Johnson, tied a small Blue Bird Flour apron around his body.

A chorus of "aah" immediately rose from the audience when they saw Orion, 25 months, wearing the apron.

That delightful expression was one of many that carried throughout the pageant, held here Oct. 4 as part of the 101st Northern Navajo Nation Fair. After the apron was secured, Orion poured into a glass bowl a small bag of flour and baking soda then sprinkled salt from his tiny right hand before adding water.

He used a small whisk to mix the ingredients.

"Come on baby," Candice said while encouraging Orion to shape the dough but he grew nervous and motioned to leave the stage.

As his father, Manuel Johnson III, packed the table, Candice asked Orion to wave goodbye to the judges and audience.

"This year we were more prepared than last year," Candice said after Orion's demonstration.

"Except he got stage fright," Manuel said with a smile.

Candice said Orion practiced for a month.

He watches when Candice and her sisters are baking cakes, sparking his cooking interest, she said.

"He's wonderful," Manuel said proudly looking at his son.

Earlier in the day, Ryver Blue-Thunder Wilson, 5 months, won first place in the baby division.

Ryver's parents, Shardai Piocag and Eric Wilson of Upper Fruitland, N.M., were delighted about their son's accomplishment.

"It's something new," Eric said. "It was fun." (Source)

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Video of Navajo Baby doing Powwow Dance

Responses to "Baby Contest - Navajo National Fair (Photos - Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Very important, keeping the traditions alive......

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