A grandfather wrestled a 130-pound alligator to save his beloved dog, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
While doing some work in his yard on Friday, Steve Gustafson reportedly heard his 9-year-old dog Bounce let out a painful yelp. After taking a moment to check things out, Gustafson discovered that the aforementioned alligator was attempting to drag his dog into the water. To keep this gruesome incident from getting any worse, the grandfather sprang into action.
“I just knew that my best friend was going to be dead. And I took off,” he explained. “For whatever reason, I don’t know, I just yelled, ‘you’re not going to get her!’ and just leaped on the gator … just like you do some silly belly flop in a pool. The only difference was I landed on top of a gator.”
The San Francisco Gate reports that the impact sent Gustafson, his dog, and the nefarious gator underwater. Since the pond wasn’t too deep, it didn’t take long for the trio to resurface. As Steve pushed the alligator towards the shore, the beast let go of his prey, though not before sinking its pointy teeth into Gustafson’s arm.
“He just snapped, and when he snapped the second time, I got him with his mouth closed and hung on like they show on TV,” the dog-resucing hero explained.
When Gustafson finally let go of the alligator’s mouth, the creature retreated back into the pond. In order to make an example out of the dog-munching beast, a trapper was hired to capture the alligator. According to UPI, the man intends to have the alligator stuffed and put on display in his home. Thankfully, the dog and his owner didn’t suffer any serious injuries from the encounter.
VIDEO Man fights off alligator to save dog
Thats Fantastic.. I am glad you and your Dog is ok... FWC needs to keep All Gators out of small areas like this, Where people live...
What a brave man.
Brave man defo but I dont see the point of killing the gator though! Whats that about??!! Its nature, the gator just wanted food and tried to get it where it was, in his mind, it was normal so why go after it ?! Stupid humans!
Alligator was hunting dinner. If you live in Florida and have alligators running around then pets need better supervision. Can't kill every animal that kills for food. If we did then all humans would be eradicated....
What a great story and a brave man who loved his dog.
oh it is called true friendship