
Dubstep producer Skrillex has collaborated with Damian Marley, the youngest son of reggae legend Bob Marley, on a track called “Make It Bun Dem”—and the recently-released video has a strong Native theme.

The basic plot is that a sheriff is aggressively serving eviction notices in a somewhat run-down neighborhood; a Native family consisting of an old man and a high-school boy attempt to thwart the police with a rain dance, then turn to something stronger as the situation escalates. calls the video “a statement against oppressive authorities and poverty’s injustice.” A writeup at seems to nod in approval as well: “It’s all pretty bleak until a First Nations family channels the spirit world to kick some ass.”

This marks the third time in five months we’ve reported on a video by a non-Native act calling on tribal dance skills—previously we saw hoop dancers Tony and Kevin Duncan in a clip for Nelly Furtado’s “Big Hoops” and Nakotah Larance, also a hoop dancer, in the video for “Geronimo,” by The Knocks and Fred Falke.

Some who left comments at YouTube felt the video’s ending was overdone, while others clearly loved the whole clip. The video is below—what’s your take?


Responses to "Skrillex and Damian Marley Video Features Rain Dance (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    BEAUTIFUL !!!!

  2. joe marley says:

    awesome awesome

  3. crzy2364 says:


  4. crzy2364 says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    Gave me chills ...freaking awesome!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    AMAZING! <3

  7. Anonymous says:



  9. Anonymous says:

    Bravo...hey its Bob son

  10. Anonymous says:

    Although words are not enough to express my feelings here ....I'll also say awesome! This brought tears to my eyes and my heart is touched by the message of this deep and so important work! Thank you for sharing this!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful and very moving, May the Great Spirit shine on you always

  12. Kangi Sapa says:

    that is what it is all about...hokahey!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    the power of belief will always....

  14. Anonymous says:

    as a shamanic and rasta influenced seeker this video is a symbolic synthesis for me. the 'controllers' think they're in control. The nameless One sees all. The mother earth and father sky will only allow this wickedness to endure for a time. With the rise of His Majesty and the return of shamanism we will usher in a new world of balance.

  15. Carole80 says:

    MAGNIFIQUE !!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPERBE !!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    very touching video the video speaks the truth love it really got into it

  17. Great video,song and themes. Whenever you invoke a feeling of power you achieve greatness and you surely did here for all involved in this you did a great job I loved it!

  18. Anonymous says:

    very nice!!great video I loved it tres beau video J'aime beaucoup!

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:

    Beuatiful just Beautiful

  21. Unknown says:

    Wow! Very impressive!

  22. Anonymous says:

    I love it very powerful and beautiful!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I have come to love Skrillex thanks to a younger cousin of mine (I'm an old woman of 63) and I am devoted to all things Native. This was incredible! It gave me goosebumps! I wish the whole world could see it! - Kathy Niell

  24. Anonymous says:

    Love it!! I am part Seneca, and this speaks to my heartspirit. Chill ran through my soul. Nya:weh!!

  25. Anonymous says:


  26. sandycann says:

    Loved and shared.

  27. Cat_Woman says:

    Wow! Just wow! Thank you..

  28. Anonymous says:

    I am a Navajo from Navajo Mtn. and Monument Valley UT.Very powerful and beautifully done. Thank you all who worked hard on the movie and thank you for sharing it with the world. May the great creator watch over you and your loved one. Hózhó náhásdlíí.

  29. ianokokok says:

    good sounds more more

  30. Anonymous says:

    Mesiy cho Mesiy cho Mesiy Cho Mesiy Cho! and....
    Kat Fox

  31. Anonymous says:

    Thats the type of thing we need more of on TV, not the same senseless violence, sex and shallow bullshit we usually get. I commend to the highest who ever was responsible for making this, great job, keep it up!!!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    First I got chills then I cried and danced, its Beautiful

  33. Anonymous says:

    I thought it was a good touched my heart, i've lived in a neighborhood like that and the struggles r real

  34. Anonymous says:

    I got chills thru my body when I saw the boy dancing. This video is very powerful and inspiring. I do have mixed feelings about how it ends though. I don't want Native Americans to be portrayed as violent. But overall, very well done.

  35. Dale says:

    I was overwhelmed with a positive emotion that was so strong I could only sit back feel the moment. A wolf took us as his pack as few years ago and we have never been the same. He was only with us for a few years before passing on but stays with us in spirit. He always comes when a trouble is brewing or someone is going to pass. Anyone that has experienced this will recognize the power of this video! Please do more... We need so many more of these on a daily basis.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Loved it so much, Thank you. From Teresa Reilly

  37. slywlf says:

    Absolutely amazing!

  38. Anonymous says:

    As long as the sheriff is stopped from continuing evictions, that's what is most important.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Summoning Native spirits aganst greed. That was also the idea behind the Ghost Dance...

  40. Catwoman says:

    Loved it.

  41. L.O.V.E. IT!! Can anyone imagine what a force we could be if WE THE PEOPLE could just UNITE AS ONE???

    One Love.

  42. Hale Adasal says:

    I loved it!

  43. Anonymous says:

    So awesome! Loved all the symbolism of the wolf & eagle protectors & spirit guides for the native son & father. Loved it so much that I hope Damien has more joint ventures with Native issues.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Love it, changes are upon us

  45. Anonymous says:

    There is so much power available for all of us, the Native's have their power, it is real, the Rasta's too have their power, they can look and see the power of their Brothers and join together in an awesome video and music collaboration. Much Respect, Much Love. We can do this with Love and Mutual Respect. We are all facing the same end, we can all work together to create a better future.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous wrote this and I totally agree with them: There is so much power available for all of us, the Native's have their power, it is real, the Rasta's too have their power, they can look and see the power of their Brothers and join together in an awesome video and music collaboration. Much Respect, Much Love. We can do this with Love and Mutual Respect. We are all facing the same end, we can all work together to create a better future.

  47. This song/video/soulconnection/unknownmedium is the highlight of 2012 for me so far. Gives me proof of a truth-based creation mythology. My awareness, experience and ego truly loves it. big up!

  48. Anonymous says:

    O M G truely amazing even from someone from Newe Zealand
    I think as indigenous people we all need to take care of each other no mater what...Kia kaha...

  49. Anonymous says:

    What more is there to say. It was awesome

  50. Anonymous says:

    Truly Powerful...we must acknowledge the power of ancient wisdom which still can overpower greed and keep us safe! Thx Damien

  51. Anonymous says:

    Yo so cool another cool beat from skrillex

  52. elven says:

    Love this, and love the Marley brothers, very powerfull and well done blessings xx

  53. Anonymous says:

    The elder and the Boy dancing were so Beautiful the way they showed there culture!

  54. Anonymous says:

    WOPILA! ^..^

  55. Anonymous says:

    very beutifull !!! i wont share my music to, native music, for my brothers for my blood indian =)

  56. Anonymous says:


  57. My chief complaing with this video is this: it ain't long enough.

    LOVE THIS! i love the Spirit of The People.

  58. Anonymous says:

    The ONENESS of OneLove :: Remember: Nothing can stop the oneness of infinite mind. It's all seeing and knowing…We look not to the seen but to the unseen. GIVE THANKS.

  59. Anonymous says:

    love this video !!

  60. Unknown says:

    Sencillamente Brutal...Impresionante

  61. Anonymous says:

    Spirit truth to power! Beautiful! Many thanks! Peace - Wildsang Blues

  62. Anonymous says:

    LOVE this beautiful song ! <3

  63. Anonymous says:

    Awesome message!

  64. Anonymous says:

    love the NA influence and message

  65. Anonymous says:

    Fantastic!! love the way the Native American Spirit and Power is wrapped into this video thanks and may many blessing come your way

  66. Unknown says:

    I love this!! It moved me very much! Empower the people, they need to cease their power!

  67. Anonymous says:

    As a whole I love this video I have shared with many friends and family and they have enjoyed it as well. The only thing I would change is I would give credit to the Indigenous Actors and let it be known they are Indigenous or Native Americans and not fakes.

  68. Anonymous says:

    I was so moved by this video. Could not understand the words but the actions, dancing and beautifully done spirits of wolf and eagle made me cry. I will spread this to others. Thank you

  69. Unknown says:

    @ above post: They are it is unambigious that the dancer is native. :) and I love it.

  70. Lois J,Walton says:

    I "absolutely" LOVED IT.Wish All good people could learn these "SPIRIT DANCES"

  71. Anonymous says:

    so powerful and beautiful.. I loved it. I hope there are more like this in the future.

  72. FYAH BUN! I love the message in this video. I pray for all those who have been oppressed and suffer injustice, and for our Mother Earth, that they be redeemed! that we flip this dying paradigm for good. We must wake up.

  73. Anonymous says:

    I love it how powerful !
    Start to finish the message is incredible !

  74. Ancestral Wisdom in a postmodern world, to fight against injustice.

  75. Anonymous says:

    Unbelievable and awesome

  76. Anonymous says:

    Pow! This is our land!

  77. Anonymous says:

    This jus goes to show how much impact first nations people have on others.

  78. Anonymous says:

    Yeah. Tap into the power.

  79. Anonymous says:


  80. Unknown says:

    Outstandingly beautiful....... they did their father proud. <3 ,3

  81. Anonymous says:


  82. Anonymous says:

    At last some proper music

  83. Anonymous says:


  84. Unknown says:

    Magnificent <3

  85. Unknown says:

  86. Unknown says:

    Too Deadly! Gave me Goosebumps as an Indigenous kuk-Yalanji woman from Australia It shook my spirit !

  87. Anonymous says:

    never tire of seeing this ..I find it sooo empowering ..Stay in the Spirit for a better World !!!

  88. Simply amazing!!!!

  89. Colette says:

    Just amazing. So powerful. X

  90. joce says:

    Totally loving it!

  91. Shiloh says:

    Every year this movie I have to find and play. It is more than a good visual and a good sound. This video is spiritual and empowering as well as enlightening.

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