Isabel Delgado Plancarte and Nuria Diosdado Garcia of Mexico compete in the Women's Duets Synchronised Swimming Free Routine Preliminary on Day 10 of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Aquatics Centre on August 6, 2012 in London, England.
Not only wolves, but bedazzled wolves. At one point in the routine, they spit out pool water like a spout. Thank you, Isabel Delgado Plancarte and Nuria Diosdado Garcia.
Mexican Wolves
It was not long ago that the Mexican wolf was on the very edge of becoming extinct. Only a hand full of these wolves survived in the wild. They needed help and they needed it quickly.
The Mexican wolf is also known as the "LOBO WOLF." It is the smallest subspecies of gray wolf found in North America.
The Mexican wolf once roamed from central Mexico up into the southwestern United States.
The Mexican wolf did very well until the DREADED 1800's. This was the beginning of the end for this wonderful animal.
Throughout the 1800's and into the 1900's, the Mexican wolf was killed off by ranchers and farmers.
Return of the Wolf
Once the Mexican wolf was listed as an endangered species, the United States and Mexico created a recovery plan. To make this work, wild Mexican wolves had to be caught.
Only 5 wolves were found. Four males and one pregnant female. These five wolves represented the hope for the Mexican wolf.
These wolves were caught in Durango, and Chihuahua, Mexico and transferred to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, Arizona. (Source)
Mexico's Isabel Delgado Plancarte and Nuria Diosdado Garcia spit water during their performance in the synchronised swimming duets free routine qualification round at the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Thank you Mexico for standing up for the grey wolf of your country and representing them at the Olympics, that will speak volumes to everyone that want to kill the wolves for sports and a trophy here in the United States,thanks again.
That is awesome. Thank you for representing the wolf. We need more people like you. Yall were great at the olympics.
That was a wonderful feeling, you two were awesome,,,Love those swimsuits. That represents a lot for THE GREY WOLVES that are still in habitat.