
Establishing a community of learners

Providing opportunities for meaningful dialogue and creating an atmosphere of trust in discussions are critical
steps to helping students deepen their understanding of what they read.The Talking Circle is an excellent teaching strategy that is consistent with Aboriginal values and perspectives.In a Talking Circle,each participant is equal, and each one belongs.Students in a Talking Circle learn to listen and respect the views of others.

A stick,stone, or feather (something that symbolizes connectedness to the land)can be used to facilitate the circle.Whoever is holding the object has the right to speak,others have the responsibility to listen.

When you put your knowledge in a circle, it ’s not yours anymore,it ’s shared by everyone.

The Talking Circle:

is consistent with Aboriginal values of respecting all views and including all voices.

is a powerful symbol of connectivity and completeness;the circle is the earth,the sky,the sun, the moon,the teepee,the seasons,the cycle of life.

presents a place where everyone is equal,where all can have a say.

represents a place for healing,where the heart can be unburdened and words of consolation can be freely spoken.

supports students in learning how to listen respectfully and to express their ideas without fear of ridicule.

Teacher ’s guide

incorporates a talking stick,feather,or stone that can be held by the speaker to signal that she or he now has the right to speak and the others have the responsibility to listen.

helps students develop confidence in presenting their views,exchanging ideas,examining concepts,raising
questions,and exploring ideas.

provides an appropriate framework for learning to groups.

Cree Medicine Wheel

Note : Cree First Nation Teaching ( Naskapi-Innu-Attikamekw-Nêhinawak-Nêhithawak! Nêhiyawak... )

Responses to "The Talking Circle -Cree First Nation Teaching: Native Tools Hold Sacred Power of Free Speech"

  1. Bill says:

    for whatever it is worth after 48 years of searching i found my birthfather and i talked to his oldest child our father he was born in or around sturgess S.d. in the early 1920 they said his family came down from canada and we are cree . i am looking to get more info from them the last part of my search is to find which band of cree I am from in canada i want to learn some of my nations traditions before i past over it is a dream only to do this. i believe it is my connection to mother earth and it is my last search and will continue to either i found it or past i hope to find before ,

    William Buchholtz Allison

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have attended some Native American councils. They were held as described above. It really drove home the loutishness of members of the parliaments and congresses of "civilised" nations during their debates.

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