
Please take the time to experience a little of what Wildhaven does by looking through the photos - all of which were taken by Stella. Generous friends have returned some pre fire images to us so you may enjoy some earlier days at Wildhaven.

Wildhaven is a sanctuary in Australia that is dedicated to caring for the beautiful native wildlife there. Here the animals roam free and are protected by Stella and Alan Reid, who are the founders and caretakers of this sanctuary. The couple cares deeply for the wildlife they take in and help nurture back to health. They are proud to say that these beautiful animals have changed them forever. The Reids started Wildhaven over 20 years ago to help rehabilitate injured and orphaned animals.

The native animals that are cared for here are kangaroos, wombats, koalas and wallabies for the most part. A young kangaroo may stay at the sanctuary for eighteen months and a baby wombat as long as two years before they are developed enough to be released. Although the Reids become very attached to each one, it is absolutely imperative that the animals must be returned to the wild. It is with a great feeling of joy for the Reids to see them free once again after their release.

Their efforts have not been without hardship and tragedy however. Wildhaven was completely destroyed on February 7th in 2009 in what is known as "Black Saturday." Tragically, a wild fire started and took the lives of all the wildlife in their care as well as domestic pets and all buildings. Over 800 animals died that day. As horrible as this was, the Reids have now rebuilt and continue to work with the wildlife.

As Stella Reid describes their work there, "As you can probably gather, this is a lifestyle. It is not a hobby or a fleeting distraction. Once we decided, some twenty years ago, to devote everything we have to the care of our precious wildlife, our lives changed for the better and to see the trust shown us by those little creatures is payment beyond price."

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Responses to "Wildhaven - Wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary in Australia"

  1. Anonymous says:

    What an inspiring story. These people are doing such an amazing thing for Australian wildlife, and to persevere after such devastation is wonderful. Their dedication is truly admirable.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Animals always put a smile on my face. Beautiful photos.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sono animali bellissimi ,dolcissimi e voglio che vivano ! Non si può permettere a nessuno che vengano uccisi per fabbricare scarpette sportive!!

  4. They are so Beautiful

  5. Anonymous says:

    I volunteer for Shades of Hope Wildlife Refuge in Pefferlaw, Canada. Its so wonderful knowing this constant effort to rehabilitate and release wildlife back to its habitat is taking place half way round the world! Keep up the good work!!!

  6. Leland says:

    LOVE IS FOR EVERY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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