
Since childhood Tiziana has always loved color and design. All her teachers, starting from elementary school, have recommended for her a career in art. She had studied the graphic arts, achieving the highest marks, but never lost her passion for colors and her paint brushes.

Tiziana has experimented with all the techniques of painting, before specializing in the three arts of painting in oil, acrylic, and pastels.

Because of her passion and love for animals, especially for cats, this led her to explore the techniques for being able to paint with harmony and precision. Her portraits are in fact very realistic and the eyes of her magical animals are incredibly expressive.

To further refine her technique in pastels, Tiziana has chosen to study with the great master Eric Wilson. This has brought even more realism and attention to detail in her creation of the coat and the study of the effects of light and shadow.

She has also written a book, being unique in its kind, with six projects aimed at painting for all those people who, despite not having gone to art school, have the desire to learn to paint. The projects are accompanied by photos, drawings, and all the steps required to produce their desired paintings.

Tiziana currently lives in Rome and works and teaches at her studio in the quiet countryside outside of Rome. Enjoy some of the beautiful paintings of hers below.

Website Tiziana

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