Italian Activists Rescue Beagles Destined for Vivisection from Breeding Facility
At least 1000 activists organized by Occupy Green Hill who came from all over northern Italy started their procession in Montichiari, a city about 60 miles east of Milan where Green Hill is located. Many of them wore signs saying “We are the 86%,” referring to the percentage of Italians polled who were opposed to animal-based experimentation. On their approach close to Green Hill they were met by police and roadblocks. Groups of activists then cut through the fields and across other streets to the fences surrounding the facility.
There, about 300-400 demonstrators tried to open gates in the perimeter as teams of mobile riot police and police who were deployed tried to contain them. On the side of the gates, however, the protesters opened a breach in the fence and broke into the farm, with others simply scaling the fence, carefully avoiding the barbed-wire. Once inside they scrambled into the sheds and rescued at least thirty dogs, many of them being handed over the fence to waiting hands on the other side.
At the end of the day, it was reported that police had arrested 13 people. Some protesters said they had suffered violence by some officials. View video of the march and the raid here.
So why Green Hill?
Within Europe, Green Hill is now the largest breeder of dogs destined for laboratories. Green Hill houses 5 sheds which imprisons 2500 adult dogs, plus several litters. The sheds are closed, aseptic, without open spaces and without natural light or air. Rows and rows of cages with artificial lighting and ventilation system are the environment in which these dogs grow before being loaded onto a truck and shipped to laboratories where abuse and pain await them.
Among the clients of Green Hill are university laboratories, pharmaceutical companies and renowned trial centers as the notorious Huntingdon Life Sciences in England.
Who profits from Green Hill?
Several years ago Marshall Farms Inc., an American firm, acquired the company. Marshall is infamous throughout the world as the largest “producer” of dogs for the vivisection industry. The Marshall beagle is actually a standard variety. For about €450-900 ($600-1200) you can buy dogs of any age. For those who are willing to pay more one can also obtain a pregnant mother. Green Hill and Marshall also offer its customers on-demand surgical treatments, such as the cutting or removal of vocal cords so “researchers” cannot hear their cries of pain.
Marshall’s dogs are shipped by air all over the world, but with the purchase of Green Hill as the European headquarters and the construction of a huge farm in China, Marshall is pursuing a plan of expansion and market monopoly.
To Green Hill and Marshall Farm, animals are merely merchandise, commodities to just breed and sell without any thought to the pain and suffering — both mental and physical — that they will suffer. Through the work of these activists, a few lives were saved from the horrors of industry, and shows to those who profit from the lives of innocent beings that oppression will not be tolerated. (SOURCE)
It is time that all animal testing laboratories worldwide are attacked and destroyed!
What a great action! It made my day!
God bless you, dear italian activists!
Shut down all animal testing labs and bring
the humans in it into prison for a lifetime!
The pictures are touchíng my heart and I wish,
I could have been there!
Let us go on in fighting against animal testing
and let us be the hope for these abused animals!
Silvia Granold
How can people be so cruel?
Bravo j'espère que maintenant ils vont être vite adoptés. et surtout plus d'essais sur les animaux voila un autre sujet de campagne!!!!!
Bravo, mille fois bravo.
Si ça se produit dans le 06, je serai avec vous.
Ich sitze da und heule....meinen größten Dank diesen Menschen !!!!
Einfach nur grandios, weiter si und herzlichen Dank an die beherzten Aktivisten ♥ ♥ ♥
Herzliche Grüße
God bless all of you and let's say what the vivisection people think about doing that to their children! This is hell!
leider wurde jedoch wohl nur ein winziger Anteil der Tiere dort gerettet.
thankyou xx for macking my day it was so touching