
Nokota Horse Facing Imminent Threat

On a lonesome farm in Linton, North Dakota something wonderful is taking place. Frank Kuntz and his brother, Leo have taken on the difficult task of trying to resurrect a wonderful horse breed that was on it's way to extinction if they had not stepped in. The two brothers are trying to preserve a piece of history that being the Nokota horse.

It is not only a story about bringing the Nokota horse back from the brink, but a story of the passion of the people who have put their entire lives into making certain the Nokota will be here for generations to come. The Nokota horse is believed by some to be descended from Sitting Bull’s buffalo ponies. It was long forgotten it seemed until that fateful day when Frank and his brother discovered them in a National Park in North Dakota.

After starting off with just a couple of horses from there, they now own roughly half of the estimated 1,000 head remaining in the world. Eventually the National Park's stock of horses outbred with other wild horses so they are no longer a pure strain of the Nokota. Frank Kuntz, along with his brother, Leo, established the Nokota Horse Conservancy in 1999 to save the bloodline of horse that once roamed the Badlands in western North Dakota.

Their story has also caught the interest of the world’s largest public television broadcasting network. A crew from ARD, a German network, spent several days near Linton filming a travel segment on the Frank Kuntz farm. Hopefully this will encourage more people to come and visit and see the work they are doing to keep these gentle horses from disappearing off the face of the earth.

The video below tells their story of how and why they decided to take this on. It also tells of the struggles that they have endured but they have never given up on their goal of keeping the Nokota breed going.

The Nokota Horse Conservancy website 

Responses to "Saving the Nokota horse breed, a descendent from Sitting Bull's horses, from extinction (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Let's try and save as much living history as possible.

  2. Anonymous says:

    So sad the brothers had to sell off 100 of the horses to keep the others :( Is there a link to their website?

  3. Anonymous says:

    All these rare breeds need to be saved from extinction!!! and it will take all of us to keep this from happening!!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    would love to purchase a colt Doyle Valandra 828 3294 phone me please

  5. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful. I find that animals such as horses and wolves are a lot easier to communicate with. You don't have to find the right words. All you need are your senses. These animals should be protected at all cost.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Frank and Leo!!!! For both, your service in Nam and saving the Nokota!

  7. Anonymous says:

    What a Great Story!!! We need to set up a Fund for this Project?? I would Donate!!!

  8. Alicia Timmons says:

    i believe what they are doing with these horses is amazing, this story is beautiful. i sincerely hope that they continue on with this project of helping to keep these beautiful horses alive.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I''m so glad that there are some caring people out there that willing to try to preserve some of the countries history even though it wasn't a time where good events took place. We need people like this on this planet doing what they can cause it's the right thing to do especially in these very hard times.

  10. Anonymous says:

    visit the Nokota web site, to donate or even purchase items. They survive mainly on donations. Frank, Leo, Shelly and many others give so much for these awesome horses!

  11. Anonymous says:

    check out: http://www.nokotahorse.org/cms/ We've got to save them !

  12. Anonymous says:

    check out: http://www.nokotahorse.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=12

  13. Anonymous says:

    Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-4eso-50AU&feature=related

  14. Anonymous says:

    Blessings. What a noble life path these men have chosen.

  15. S Tucker says:

    We have descendants of Sitting Bull's horse here on our farm too- American Curly Horses out of the Warrior line. Just LOVE them! Check them our at www.three-feathers.com

  16. Anonymous says:

    Kudos. Typical government...no appreciation for anything Native American. Here I thought the government had a responsibility to protect endangered species. Apparently only when they deem it necessary.

  17. Anonymous says:

    There is actually a link to the website!You can also donate to them through that site. It is http://www.nokotahorse.org/cms/

  18. Anonymous says:

    We have a farm in PA where you can visit our Nokota and where you can hope to see more as we continue to protect this amazing breed. Come visit!
    Flowing Springs Farm, Nokota Preserve..or attend one of the amazing colt-starts..you will surely leave with a young Nokota. Check out Nokota.org for dates and details.

  19. Anonymous says:

    May the Great Spirit Bless you and keep you safe. You are examples of the white man that are rare in this day and age. To care for the wellbeing of another creature of the earth above your selves, is what all of us need to embrace as protectors of this planet. Our brothers of the plaines atempted to educate us to this understanding manny generations ago. But we were to educated in the ways of ourselves "Man" to see our path was destroying the gifts of our heritage. I will send all my prayers to the both of you for your quick recoveries and i will ask all who read this to do the same. My heart is with you always here and forever brothers of the earth.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I have one of their horses. His name is Loota and we love him. He is amazing and has a forever home with us. He shows english, western, gymkhana and this summer started doing ranch rodeo type stuff-sorting cows. He's super smart & everywhere we go, people fall in love with him. His best friend is a retired harness racing horse. Holly

  21. Unknown says:

    Is there a petition to sign?

  22. Anonymous says:

    What is happening with these horses now?


  23. Anonymous says:

    When man is infested with greed he knows nothing and feels nothing. You can't take it with you but you are accumulating hoards of negative Karma...You will reap what you sow!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Are the Assinaboine involved in this effort, or did you just decide to take the name Nakota?

  25. Unknown says:

    Wonderful cause to save the magnificent remnant Nokota wild horses. This should be top priority of people not more vainglorious and stupid, ego-centered pursuits!

  26. Anonymous says:

    I hope they set up a Go Fund Me account...

  27. Unknown says:

    Someone start a Go Fund Me account!!

  28. Anonymous says:

    The Ojibway Horse is also critically endangered. I know of one woman who is trying to save the breed. She has rescued some from the woods, some from wolves, and some from auctions. She has the last two remaining bloodlines and around 60 breeding stock. She also accepts help to pay for feed and other expenses. These ponies are all DNA tested, and are in the Birch Bark Scrolls from the 1300s. All of the original breeds need to be preserved.

  29. Where is the friggin PETITON against this?? I have a NAME too

  30. Unknown says:

    THERE IS a GOFUNDME call Leo's Nokota Horse Preservation Ranch

  31. Anonymous says:

    How can you call a horse owned by a famous person a separate breed? Just wondering......

  32. Preservation efforts are growing. Word is spreading about these rare lines of horses that trace back to Sitting Bull's horses. There is a magazine that is running a series of articles about these 2 lines of horses, and they will always be available (order reprints at CurlyHorseJournal.com) and an excellent resource to learn about both lines of Sitting Bull's horses and preservation plans you can join if interested. The Nokota horses probably do not number much more than a thousand left. The Bad Warrior line, is the rarest of the rare, and is also hypoallergenic. The Bad Warrior line numbers probably only about 50 head or less (depending how diluted the pedigree you want to claim). The chairman of the Standing Rock rez has plans to return more of both lines of Sitting Bull's horses to his people in the future. To help with securing the future of these efforts, read articles or email me, any time, donna@buckingv.com.

  33. Unknown says:


  34. Unknown says:

    Has anyone done a DNA test to see what breeds these horses came from? It would be interesting to know.

  35. Unknown says:

    we must protect the Natural Horse of the Wild ,,,

  36. Unknown says:

    Finally...people on the horses side
    Thank You...and the Great Spirit

  37. Unknown says:

    There needs to be a GoFundMe to help save and care for these horses

  38. Unknown says:

    Hope they see this. You could try and contact the Appaloosa Horse Club in Moscow, Idaho. They represent Chief Josephs Nez Perce Appaloosas and maybe can help with advice on how to save this breed. It would be nice if both breeds could be incorporated into a National Native American Horse Registry. Just a thought.

  39. Unknown says:

    Is there a way to send money to this ranch to help keep this breed alive? Please send me an email.

  40. Unknown says:

    Please send an email to lambiepie777@gmail.com to let me know if there is a way to send money to help keep this breed alive.

  41. Shane says:

    I'll take them to my farm

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