David Mizejewski of the National Wildlife Federation dispels common misconceptions about North American gray wolves and explains why they should be protected.
>>> this morning on today's call of the wild , who's afraid of the big bad wolf ? all of us right here actually. here to clear up misconceptions about north american gray wolves and tell us why so many are working to protect them is david from the wildlife federation. to be honest, we're scared.
>> you don't need to be. they are gray wolves , important predators in north america . but wolves don't attack people. there is a myth of the big bad wolf . they are critically important predators. they keep prey populations under control. they control smaller predators and balance the eco-system.
>> that liam neeson movie?
>> a thumbs down.
>> little red riding hood ?
>> she lies.
>> not like we should pet them. you have to show respect.
>> exactly. these guys --
>> we respect you.
>> they are from howling woods farm in jackson, new jersey. they are rescue animals. people tried to make them pets. you should not have a wolf as a pet.
>> these were one of the most widespread species in the world. yet the habitat has been shrinking.
>> human beings have a mythology about wolves and we pretty much wiped them out. they were found across the northern hemisphere . in the u.s. now they are found only at a couple of spots in the great lakes area, the northern rockies. we have wiped them out of most of the lower 48. in canada one reason i brought them here is the national wildlife federation is trying to raise awareness about a poisoning and shooting campaign the government of canada is doing to protect caribou. it's because of tar sands development. there is political pressure on the u.s. and i want people to know these beautiful animals, their wild kin will be poisoned, shot out of helicopters to feed our addiction to dirty oil.

>> absolutely. if you don't have predators in an eco-system, the prey species overpop lates. they eat the plants, destroy habitats for smaller animals. the national wildlife federation got wolves back in yellow stone in 1995 . they had eaten the plants. smaller animals went away. wolves were put back in the top of the food chain , controlled the elk population, eliminate coyotes which were eating smaller animals. wolves and any large carnivore balances the eco-system. we need them and particularly in canada we need these animals. we should not poison them for energy purposes.
>> is there a lone wolf ?
>> they live in packs but once in a while an individual animal breaks off to keep genetic diversity. they form a new pack.
>> what's she giving them snm they are snacking on cheese. they love cheese.
>> we have pot roast upstairs.
>> if folks want to save the wolves go to the today.com or national wildlife federation .
>> thank you so much. coming
Interview SOURCE
Very soon wisconsin will be hunting wolves, they say because there are too many, why can't they just relocate them from the problem areas, 27,000 license to kill them were issued, so far they are not allowing hunters to use dogs, in october is the hunt, it's on all the tv news stations. I see the beautiful wolves when I am way in the woods 43 miles from the nearest town, why do they have to be hunted too? please help if you can, I wish someone could just relocate them where there are no wolves hardly. I am so stressed over this cuz I wish it could be stopped. Thankyou for listening!
Michigan has a Wolf Hunt proposal bill they will be voting on soon!
I have put together a facebook event, with several actions such as petitions, letter writing and phone calls you can do from your home.
All information is in the event for you ...I hope you will join so that we may stop this bill from passing!
Thank you!
Wolves are a vital part of nature and as such should be protected.
Please protect these beautiful animals!!
People you need to educated about these wonderful creatures and don't let Hollywood turn them into killers of humans like they have for so long. They have a right to be here and like the man said, ecosystem!!!!
I was leaning his way until this " it's because of tar sands development. there is political pressure on the u.s. and i want people to know these beautiful animals, their wild kin will be poisoned, shot out of helicopters to feed our addiction to dirty oil." where he lost me entirely. I've no use for extremists of any persuasion and with this statement he seems to qualify.
Hurry they hurting wolfs stop them please
This is ABUSE,
The tar sands project has directly caused the decline of the caribou through habitat loss, its nothing to do with extremist groups, just simple cause and effect. The Canadian government is ramping up wolf killing to try to save the caribou, but the biggest concern is habitat loss, the wolves were always here.
I totally agree with robie runge . There willing to relocate other animals why not the wolves.
The lawmakers in Canada and the US apparently have not learned anything from our past mistakes! The senseless slaughter of these beautiful animals has to stop!
I, even as a child, have never believed the reputation the wolf has been saddled with! My mother couldn't even read Little Red Riding Hood to me, because I'd cry when the wolf was killed!
I wonder if these lawmakers understand how important wolves are to the ecosystem. Do they realize that wolves are essential in keeping the natural balance of things? Have they ever seen what happens to the deer and elk population when wolves are taken out of the equation? They have obviously never seen the destruction done by herd animals when there are no predators to keep them in check. Or seen young deer dying of starvation due to overpopulation of the species causing a shortage of food.
We need to try and show these things to our legislators, so that maybe they'll open their eyes to the situation, before it's too late!
How many species have to be driven to extinction by man before we learn? Who made us judge, jury and executioner?