145 Black Bears Killed In Alberta Oil Sands
Mike Hudema of Greenpeace commented about the culling, “It’s a very disturbing fact to hear and it’s one more cost of oil sands development that we need to look at…the fact that these numbers are so high is definitely very worrying.” However Travis Davies, a spokesman for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers counter commented that , “Any kind of wildlife fatality is too many for these companies from their perspective and obviously they take it seriously, it’s just a matter of a high number of bears in the area.” But environment and wildlife conservation groups remain outraged by the number of black bear killings. They are blaming the deaths on lax garbage management and a lack of proper monitoring and regulation by the provincial government.
The oil sands have long been under fire for how much they contribute to Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. According to a secret federal memo that was exposed through access to information, emissions growth from the oil sands is projected to be greater over the next decade than all other Canadian economic sectors combined. But the problem of wildlife impacts is now getting more attention and any future plans to kill off the wildlife such as the black bears or the most recent plan to poison the wolves must be stopped.
Watch a YouTube video below of a black bear foraging for garbage at the Wapasu Creek Lodge, a big facility that houses workers on projects in the northeast area of the Athabasca oil sands.
Its disgusting and just reinforces the fact that the oil sands project should be banned.
Man's irresponsibility and cruelty to his fellow Man and to Nature has no bounds. But there will be a time of reckoning.
Totally unacceptable! Bears, especially black bears, are a joy to watch. It will be a pitiful world when the only place one will see wildlife is in a zoo. I am beginning to hate humanity (if that's what you want to call it).
This is an outrage. The killing of wildlife needs to be stopped.
No respect of mother nature!!They where here first,not the humans.
Whom ever is responsible for Alberta oil sands --> should experience the day to day tragedy that the Animals/wild-life have to endure in order to survive! Some money hungry humans suk!!!!!
most destructive project on earth? guess that doesn't count genocides, china's economic boom, the horrors going on in africa, japan's recent earthquake, etc.. I'm tired of people jumping on every righteous bandwagon while sitting at their computers made of heavy metals and petroleum plastics powered by coal burning electric plants, hydro electric dams, or some other form of power generation. go back to the stone age if you don't like industry.
this is outrageous- If most of our wildlife was gone, only left in zoos, would it be worth living-? I think not! If we were the ones going extinct, wouldn't we do everything possible to prevent that? What makes us superior to the right to life over other lifeforms? news media- politics are all over "pro-life" issues, but no one puts this issue to saving our wildlife.
I'm starting to wonder about Canadians. Everything from horse slaughter to to this. Do they truly believe humans are the only deserving inhabitants of this planet.
repost for lots of typos
spirit of the bear
i am the spirit of the bear
and i am in such prolonged,
deep pain
some humans out there
think we bears are here
to entertain
to dance in the circus
to be baited and tormented
or our parts used for medicine
by those humans, demented
we belong to the forests,
to the mountains and streams
this is supposed to be our reality
not just in our dreams
"go back to the stone age if you don't like industry."
I keep hearing people like you echo that sentiment and I find it pathetic and ridiculous that being your defense for these atrocities. You can live with many amenities of our current age while not completely spoiling our ecosystem, but I guess for a simpleton like yourself you see no other way.
"You can live with many amenities of our current age while not completely spoiling our ecosystem, but I guess for a simpleton like yourself you see no other way."
Sorry Mr anonymous this is just not true. SOME of us could live without spoiling the environment, but take that to 7 billion of us (and rising), and it is just not possible. The vast majority of humans living on this planet are there because of the amenities generated by the eco-destructive oil based economy, the green revolution, pouring chemicals all over our plants and land, the material "wealth" that enables us to live longer healthier lives, and finally the HUGE eco destruction to make way for our homes, and the towns villages and cities in which we all live. Without these the population would not be sustainable and would become a lot smaller. Whether or not this is a good thing is a different argument