The 9/11 heroes that couldn't cry (Video)
Along with their human handlers, nearly 100 loyal search and rescue dogs were at their sides. These dogs were trained to rescue people who were still alive. Ultimately this would not be the case with many of those found. During the next couple of weeks the dogs worked tirelessly around the clock in vain hope of finding someone still alive. Although the dogs couldn't find many people still alive they were able to provide comfort and support for the brave firemen and rescue workers that were diligently searching through the rubble. The stress of the environment did however also take it's toll on the dogs as they came upon the many recovered as dead.
Because of the Tenth anniversary of 911 a search was done recently to find some of these heroic dogs that were there during those first harrowing days and weeks. Out of the nearly 100 dogs among the first responders deployed by FEMA, only 12 were still alive. Most of the search and rescue dogs used were retrievers, either Labrador or Goldens. The surviving 12 now all have greying muzzles and walk with a much stiffer gait. They will soon all pass away. But along with the human heroes from that horrific time, these courageous canines are also considered to be brave heroes. They will not be forgotten either for their part played during a very dark and tragic time in America. The following photos are of some of the dogs today that served during that time.
Video: For the four legged heroes of that day. They gave so much without ever asking why. Many of these dogs have long since passed due to complications from being at Ground Zero.
The dogs were and are heroes in every sense of the word and should never be forgotten.
Thank you to our canine heroes. May they never be forgotten. I know I will never forget.
Love to the Four Legged and their Humans <3
Thank you very much for sharing. As a K-9 owner myself I will never Forget what these Beautiful Animals have done for our Country.
im crying. damn it.
Brings tears to my eyes for thiese animals, and all my dogs that have lifted me in times of dire depression!
So am I... (the crying part)...
These Brave dogs will not be forgotten.
Beautiful creatures must have been bewildered at the magnitude of the death and sorrows and pain that besieged the city. I can see the depth of their understanding and yet the overwhelming weight of having to carry the responsibility of lifting their human companions out of the depths of despair and pain. It all shows through their eyes. They are heroes without a doubt.
Thank you for reminding us of these amazing dogs. I have 5 huskies and I can't imagine them dying lie these dogs did who gave their lives so others could survive.
Thank you for sharing the video and thanks to all heroes, including our canine heroes
All Heroes,Each and Everyone. Will will not forget.
Salute to those Heroes.
Bless their hearts and honor these little recognized heroes
I'm crying even without watching the movie... :'(
man's best , loyal them all
These are so often the forgotten heros!
Yes, thank you for reminding of us of the other non-human heroes. That is so sad only 12 dogs survived out of 100. They definitely played a huge part in rescuing the people or some cases finding the bodies. I love you heroe dogs!!
I am crying....So beautiful.....the love and devotion our canine friends give us is so overwhelming......Bless Them and to the ones already gone......God Bless You