
It only takes a little effort. Find out where to take your recyclables and let your family know that you are serious about it.
Find outwhat items your local service accepts for recycling and then let your family know that those items are not going out in your garbage any more! Find a place outside to store your recyclables until you collect enough to make your trip to the recycle center worthwhile.
You will amaze yourself at how much stuff you are saving from the landfill!

Paper...................30 days
Cotton rags.........6 months
Wood.......................4 yrs
Painted wood..........15 yrs
Steel cans.............100 yrs
Aluminum cans......500 yrs
Plastic & glass..... Too long to even guess
Don't use styrofoam!! It NEVER biodegrades!

What can I do....?

Walk (vs. drive)
Turn off lights
Don't burn plastic or foam
Don't leave water running
Take quick showers
Use clothes-line
Don't wash clothes needlessly
Don't leave refridgerator open
Run heater/air only when needed
Use less detergent
Use natural cleaning agents
Car pool
Learn to compost
Buy recycled products (then recycle them!)
Plant a tree
Pass toys & clothes on
Learn, change & grow....!

STOP 'Junk Mail'!
The junk mail Americans receive in one year
is the equivelant of over 100 million trees.
If only 100,000 people stopped their junk mail, we could save
about 150,000 trees per year. If a million people did, we could
save 1.5 million.


Responses to "Recycle Recycle Recycle!"

  1. Anonymous says:

    For, I adore you, White Wolf, you are sweet spirit,One love for you all ways.

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